Entertainment Page?
What is this "entertainment page"? you ask? This page is dedicated to movies, books and albums I have read, seen or heard, here I am going to put brief reviews about them.
Album:Lift Him Up
Artist:Ron Kenoly
Where Obtained:Manna Bookstore
Although this is an older album it is full of soul and funk, it is what real music is made of
I put it in the cd player and have not left home without it, it gets the blood moving. You can't not
smile when Ron cuts in with his huge African-American deep voice. From the chants, right through to ragtime he covers most styles.
Abe Laboriel on bass plays stunning slap solo's, and Justo Almario on Woodwinds, highlight the stunning
pieces of music, I would reconmend this album to any christian as I can worship to it easily. To any music
lover it is a stunning album.
It is the highlight of my music selection to date.
In Brief
The Message full bible, is good, recongmend it.
Bag of Hits Fun lov'n criminals, if you dont mind a little bit of swearing, its awesome, great lounge music.